Introduction to Golden Calf teaching
Have You Made A Golden Calf?

Romans 15:4
“Whatever things were written before were written for our instruction.”
1 Corinthians 10:11
“All these happened to those (Israelites) as examples, and it was written for our warning.”
In the teaching which will follow this introduction, we will study one of these things that are set as examples to help us…the situation of the golden calf, related in Exodus 32.
This sin angered YHVH so much He was prepared to destroy His people, Israel!
We will explore the events that led to the building of the golden calf and what that actually represented to Israel at that time.
If this Golden Calf issue is given to us as a warning, an encouragement and a helpful ‘visual aid’, then we need to see what it represents for us today.
• Is it possible to make a golden calf in our life?
• Is there a spiritual parallel in our walk with Yeshua today?
• Is there a foundational principle in our faith we often forget?This forgotten principle results in provoking God’s anger and rendering us ineffective and fruitless.
If any follower of Yeshua has built a spiritual golden calf in their lives, the result is ‘broken tablets’ of Law!
Under the new covenant, there is a promise that He writes His Law on our hearts but how is it that it’s not always apparently manifest in some believers’ lives?
• Is it evidence of a spiritual ‘Golden Calf’, causing a broken covenant (broken tablets of Law)?
• Paul’s entire letter to the Hebrews was an encouragement not to break the covenant!
The meaning of “the ten commandments”, in Hebrew, is
“the tablets of the covenant” or “the tablets of the testimony”.
• Is it possible to call not applying the ‘forgotten’ principle, mentioned above, “breaking the covenant”?
• Is it possible to break the new covenant through a type of golden calf worship today?
These are provocative questions which need answers through deep study of the Word.
Listen to this audio teaching and see just how the lessons of the Golden Calf example are applicable today.